Captain’s log 25022018 – The AFCAT story. Episode 3.

Day three was my off day. A couple of my batchmates had their personal interviews but otherwise, I had nothing set for the day. A day of having nothing to do isn’t as fun when you’re removed from everything that normally kept you entertained.

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Rant #12 – Hawking, Hawkeye and Dank Memes.

14th March 2018 is the day we lost Dr.Stephen William Hawking. When I look back at my blog, at the end of this year, every blog post would remind me of the most important things that happened to me, or that I thought of in that particular week and this week has to be about the loss of Hawking.

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Captain’s log 25022018 – The AFCAT story. Episode 2.

Day one had us on our feet throughout and ended with all of us huddled around the common notice board. Besides the long list of ‘Places to visit in Mysore’ which held detailed accounts of all the famous tourist spots with their distances from the AFSB and means of transport to get there, the notice board also had all the contact numbers we would need there, rules that had to be followed which included things like “steps to ask for the ironing box”, phone and internet booth timings, food timings and a detailed schedule of the forthcoming days. The first two days were set for personal interviews for groups A, B and C while D and E would be having their ‘Group Tasks’. Then we would switch on the next two days. My personal interview was scheduled for 10 AM the next day. And I can’t talk to people. It would be kind if only they let me text the interviewer.

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Captain’s log 25022018 – The AFCAT story. Episode 1.

This week began with me taking the Air Force Common Admission Test for the second time. “What happened the first time”, you ask ? Well, I didn’t make it in of course, why else would I be taking it a second time? I did barely make the cut, exam wise. What followed was a six day long selection process which turned out to be rather cut throat.

Also, this story is going to be unapologetically in-depth.

Continue reading “Captain’s log 25022018 – The AFCAT story. Episode 1.”

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