I don’t really know what to call this. I guess the most apt description would be that this is my blog/ journal/ sounding board/ time capsule/ safe space/ dumping ground for opinions that I can cringe at a year later. As someone who started out as an Aerospace Engineer, converted to a Physicist who’s now researching Microsystems – it’s fair to say I know a little bit about a lot of different things leading to naturally ill-informed and poorly structured opinions and this is where I put them just so I can reflect upon it a couple of years later and pat myself on the back for getting better. The validation that comes from you, a third person reading this is just a sweet, sweet bonus. 

Find me @Facebook  Instagram

Regarding the nameWhy Fourth Wall?

Regarding the tags

Rants – This is why I started writing. Sometimes you get so much stuff in your head and you just can’t sleep without getting it all out? Those come under rants. I usually start with a topic, mostly triggered by Facebook posts/memes/current events/something a character said on a TV show and ramble on until I justify the topic or completely turn against it. The mystery stays alive till the end.

#hhmm# Poetry – I never saw myself as a poet. What started as a one-time thing soon became an avenue of release when things got overwhelming. I tag it with the time of when I begin to write it and it is best read at that very same time, usually in the 1am – 4am bracket.

Fondue – These are sometimes poems, sometimes little imaginary scenarios in the style of all the Terribly Tiny Tales/ Microtales on Facebook and Instagram. The first time I wrote one, I was worried if it was too cheesy but then decided to embrace it and called it ‘fondue’ ’cause it’s cheesy and makes you melt. You get it.

101 – These are fun fluff pieces where I try to put you in an introvert’s state of mind while doing extremely menial tasks, like getting a haircut or sitting in a crowded train. Most people think being introverted is a choice and can be defined by ‘shy’ or ‘quiet’ but that’s not the case and I hope this series gives you a tiny window into what it feels like to be one.

Captain’s log #ddmmyyyy# – These are personal experiences that happened to yours truly. Your typical personal blog content. Like my personal diary.

Storyboards The one section of this blog that I’ll probably be very proud of in the long term. These don’t come to me often but when they do I write them in one sitting and pretty much hit ‘publish’ on the very first draft. Short (reasonably) stories that usually branch out of r/WritingPrompts or a random ‘what if?’ that lingers in my head long enough to gather some substance. These also include the serialized fictional stories of my very talented brother, who goes by i_wanderer, after I forced him to publish his stories here from the well established pages of Wattpad.

Nerdgasm – Usually the train of thought that follows a video or an article about something very nerdy that I found online. I read about aliens a lot. So…yeah. ¯_(ツ)_/¯